Tuesday, May 8, 2007

O-deo O-day-o

The last few weeks of assignments have been a challenge for me. Most of the difficulty was due to computer issues. First, I could not access audio from Odeo on my work computer. Then, my connection speed was not fast enough at home. Then, too, there were Mac issues. And finally time issues. When I finally got my first Odeo posted, I felt like I was way behind in assignments. So I dove into the podcasting using Odeo with anxiety and determination. And I was successful. So then I proceeded to look up the Odeo recordings on my colleagues' blogs. I could not find any. I was sure that I had done something wrong again. I have focused in particularly on my Jupiter group looking for the little Odeo icon. Finally,today I found ONE! Paul K., thank you for having one on your blog, and yes I listened to it. I signed up for it in iTunes and that audio worked. But still no others. I am feeling way out in space with this Jupiter group and will check into some other blogs soon. But for now it is on to next assignment: moviemaking. O. day-o is a local drive-up coffee franchise, and I need some now!

1 comment:

Paul Kawachi said...

Dear Sue,
Thank you for your kind comments. Let's chat on Google Talk. My user name is paulkawachi.
And gmail is paulkawachi@gmail.com.
or regular kawachi@open-ed.net
All Best Wishes